Tools for Showing Big New Ideas!
Do you have a big new idea?
It's expensive to get your latest idea out there, in front of the whole world. And you're not excited to get locked in to paying hundreds of dollars for the rest of your life! We offer a range of technical services for new ideas. Whether dealing with challenging upgrades or quirky email systems, we can untangle the most difficult website and server challenges regardless of the system "pedigree", whether Microsoft, Unix, Linux. For enterprises with big ideas, we also offer a flexible content management system (CMS) to manage award-winning websites for the professional office. Our basic software package allows you to set up a stable content framework within which you can maintain your own website content without depending on a "webmaster", entirely free to hammer away on your latest big idea!
Our Commitment:
Whether you are a high-end art gallery, or a local tax accountant, or a specialized book store, our innovative solutions gives you the ability to stay in touch with your clients so that no client - and no product - ever gets ignored or forgotten! For the art gallery, all works are available to all visitors, regardless of location of either the visitor or the artist. Everything is available for browsing. To see our art gallery software in action, click on the award image below, and you will be taken for a tour of a leading-edge, award-winning gallery in Vancouver! One of our more challenging recent projects was updating vintage Microsoft Access macros with Pascal modules on an equally vintage Linux server. Our front-end partner TSG Computer Services (see the link in the drop-down above) then hooked up our modernized back-end to a front-end of cash-and-card payment devices. The result for Banyen Books was amazing! Nothing was left out, and the result is bigger and faster, and easier to use, than anyone could have imagined!
Canadian Business Magazine
Best Commercial Art Gallery 2020